Dream On


Dream, dream, oh sleeping one!

Dream of great mountains,
Mighty rivers,
And vast dark forests!

What you dream
Shall become truth,
I promise!

A nest of eagles
Atop the tallest mountain
Shall crown your creation!


Create, create!
Carve beauty from the void!


Gaze upon your reality,
That truth which you have made,
That you own.


None shall trample
With boots,
Nor despoil
With swords.

Peace shall reign in the valley,
And such a harmony shall prevail
That any note of discord is



Hark! A tiny bird
Sings in the treetops–

Listen to its song!

And from this song
Shall all music grow,
Enveloping your world,
Surrounding every tree,
Every mountain–

With a cloak of radiant beauty.


Three times shall you dream,
Oh sleeping one.

Each time
Shall your world become
More beautiful,
More perfect.

You are the Creator–
Only you shall say what exists here
In this world of your dreams!


Here in this room,
In this bed,
You dream.

The window is closed,
The sounds of the street muted.

The noise of traffic,
Shouts from the shops below,
You hear none of it,
As you dream,
As you sleep–

Creating the world
That will be
Tomorrow's reality.

Copyright © by John Remmers.